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Writing SEO-Optimized Content – The Easy Method With 7 Tips

Writing SEO friendly Content

Seo-optimized content sounds scary and complicated but it’s not.

It can be the easiest thing once you get a thorough understanding of what makes content stand out on web search engines.

Sadly, a lot of people don’t know about SEO optimization.

We are here to give you a few tips to get you started.

Why Do You Need SEO-Optimized Content?

Optimizing content for search engines is where you make sure your website ranks higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). Your website must attract both search engines and people.

Seo-optimized content will help you get listed on the first page of SERPs. Being listed higher increases the possibility of a searcher clicking on your post and visiting your website. These visitors are called organic traffic. More traffic will lead to more conversions. Your end goal is website conversion.

In conclusion, if you are serious about your goal of website conversion, you should look into SEO-optimized content.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Writing SEO-Optimized Content – 7 Easy Tips

  1. Know Your Keywords for SEO-Optimized Content

Research. Research is the first step of any high-quality article. Anyone can write an article but to make it SEO-proof, you need to do your research.

Research the search trends, keyword gaps, high-performing keywords, and other such criteria before you start on your content.

Choose your main keyword and look up accompanying long-tail keywords. Make sure to use related words to increase the relevancy of your article to web crawlers who will index your page. Repeat your keywords throughout the article. Look into latent semantic indexing for more information.

   2   Written for Humans by Humans

The shortcut to SEO-optimized content is to write for humans. Create content that is useful for your audience.

Search engines crawl, index, and rank your websites so that they can provide the best, most relevant results for the query they receive… from humans. They want to show their searchers a good time, a better experience. If you are creating content for your website with the idea that you need to impress and provide for a human, half of your SEO optimization is done.

Your content should be persuasive and interesting. It should be useful. It should solve their problems and lead them to other sites which can help them with their problems (links).

It should also appeal to their senses. No one wants to read a wall of text. Use plenty of subheadings with clear, concise language. Employ bullet points and lists to summarize and emphasize your information.

   3   Search Engine Friendly Titles for SEO-Optimized Content

Your title should be short and to the point. Google allows up to 65 characters per title tag on its SERPS. If your title is too short, you cannot say all that you need to convey. If it’s too long, google won’t display it properly and searchers won’t know what it’s about. For peak SEO-optimized content, you need a nice middle ground for your titles.

Use 1 or 2 keywords on your title. Including important keywords in your title will help both searchers and search engine algorithms determine the relevancy of your post.

   4   The First Two Sentences

On SERPs under the title tag of the post on the listing, there will be a small snippet of the content underneath. Usually, it is the first two sentences that are displayed. These two sentences are very important as they are what makes or breaks a searcher’s decision to visit your website.

Your title grabs their attention but it is these two sentences that will tell them if the content is as promising as the title.

Do include the key points of your article clearly and concisely. Use simple but relevant language curated toward your target audience. Finally, use your keywords in these two sentences.

   5   Write Long, High-Quality Articles

With long content, you will be giving search engine crawlers more information to check out whether your content is relevant. It is also a way by which you can increase your keyword count for that particular post. From the ‘write for humans’ perspective discussed above, long content means more information that you can give to your searcher-who-needs-a-solution. Lengthy content also allows you to include various ways by which to communicate your information such as tables, charts, images, and more.

Seo-optimized content boasts high-quality content. If the searcher visits your webpage but leaves quickly, your bounce rate will become high. Search engine algorithms penalize high bounce rates. So you can’t post content irrelevant to the keywords and title.

Also, be consistent. For example, if you are referring to an author and used a certain format to write their name, you should be sticking to that format throughout the content and even your website and other posts.

   6   Diverse Content

As discussed above, reading a block of text with no paragraph breaks or subheadings is boring. Taking it one step further, include diverse content in your posts if you want to skyrocket your ranking on SERPs. Suppose you post a blog article on a recipe. You can post the recipe as a step-by-step process with lots of information at each step and embedded images to guide the reader, then include a recipe sheet for quick reference, with concise information, and tie it up, a video of the recipe being made.

This is enriched information. You are treating many senses at once. Visitors who prefer videos can watch the video. Those who want detailed guidance can get it as well as the cook who just needs the recipe card.

Using many media formats to SEO-optimize your content is also a way into the top SERPs. For one, you provide quality information to your visitor, keeping them on your page for a long time – low bounce rates, higher rankings. But you are also providing more items that can be listed on SERPs. Videos in the video search tab, images in the image search tab, and three different listings in the general search tab.

   7   Links!

One can go so far as to say that links are the backbone of content. If you are linked by a trusted website, your ranking immediately goes up. You become more of an authority in that field. The more links you can get to your website, the more trusted you are and the higher you can rank on SERPs. To reach that space you should put out high-quality and useful content. You can look through websites and contact their owners requesting a link when you think a link to your website would add value to their posts.

Likewise, you should also link to other pages. The main reason is to add value to your consumers – so that they can get more information or buy a product. The underlying reason is that both inbound and outbound links help create your identity. They tell web crawlers and search engines, this is the industry this web page belongs to. That you sit along with these people. The third reason is that linking is a two-way street. You cannot expect to get inbound links if you are not willing to link out.

SEO Content Services

SEO content creation is easy if you know the inside workings of search engines and their algorithms. However, it is a lot of minute details and you should be up to date with the current trends. That means research and time spent on learning a new trade.

Which is why there are professionals. Search engine-optimized content services can help you get to the top of SERPs. They are experts who have been in the industry for a long time. They have advanced tools to research keywords and other market data.

Search engine-optimized content service providers can guarantee results with tried and tested best practices and brand-new innovative techniques while you can focus your time and energy on other aspects of your website.


Seo-optimized content has simple concepts but requires a lot of time, work, and knowledge. You can do it yourself with these simple actionable tips such as getting your title right, providing varied content, building up your backlinks, and putting out high-quality content. Tweaking the little details can get you big results.



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