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How to Increase Organic Traffic: 6 Actionable SEO Tips

Tips to increase Organic Taffic

High organic traffic is the biggest indicator that you are playing all your cards right in this online world work hard to Increase Organic Traffic to your Website. It is a long-term strategy that requires you to move many of your pieces (like website structure, blogs, ads, and keywords) to build the bigger picture. Though it might seem tiring, the return you get is worth the wait and the pain.

Let’s look at some actionable ways how you can increase organic traffic to your website.

Tip #1

Relevant Content

When your customers come in on your website but don’t find what they are looking for, they will not be sticking around to admire the pretty backdrop. This is called bouncing. Search engines use bounce rates in their algorithm to rank websites. The higher your bounce rate, the lower you will be ranked. Which, in turn, lowers your organic traffic.

To reduce the bounce rate and increase organic traffic to your website, provide content that is relevant to the search query. Make sure that you match your content to the search intent. Aim for traffic that is of a higher quality. Understand your clientele, come up with buyer personas, and market your products for that particular group.

Tip #2


Content is king, right? So it goes without saying that blogs are important. Blogs provide search engines with a lot of information on what your website is about so that they can better match you with your targeted customer. Blog posts also increase the chances of you getting a visitor. If you have two blog posts, you have twice the chance of a visitor because that’s two different potential search engine results page (SERP) listings. So more blog posts equal to more SERP listings leading to increased organic traffic. However, your blogs should be high-quality material that answers the search query. Or the visitors might leave immediately, and your brand will fall in authority.

Moreover, blogs can add value to your consumer’s life. You help a person with the information they need, and they will hold you in higher esteem. They will keep coming back to you, in search of more useful content.

Tip #3

Long-Tail Keywords

These are search terms that are longer and more specific than regular searches. They get a small number of searches per month. So why are they important? Long-tail keywords are the phrases used mostly when consumers are closer to a point of purchase. Targeting these phrases can get you concentrated, high-quality visitors.

In order to make use of long-tail keywords, you must analyze keyword gaps and target low-competition keywords. Use a digital marketing tool that shows you the searches made and the websites that makes use of these keywords. Analyze your own keyword gaps by looking at keywords that drive traffic in for your competitors and target those keywords.

Tip #4

Diverse Content

By adding diverse content such as videos and gifs, you have a greater chance of being listed on SERPs.

Suppose you run a cooking blog. You publish your recipe along with additional guidance on your webpage. Search engines know your webpage has a video along with the text. Should a search query come along for a recipe video, your webpage will be one of the first listed. You will be listed both under videos and in the normal text listings.

Additionally, nobody wants to read a wall of text. By adding a video, your posts automatically become richer in media. For those visitors who prefer videos, they can make use of them. You are providing a one-stop shop by providing all that they need within your page and helping them save time as well.

Tip #5

Promote on Social Media

Saying that the future of digital marketing is in social media might sound like an exaggeration, but might actually be the truth. 59% of the world’s population uses social media and a record high of 2 hours and 29 minutes of the average human’s day is spent on social media.

By promoting on social media you can filter your targeted audience through demographics such as location, gender, and age. The user behaviors recorded by the social media company are a rich bank of data that is used to provide more focused ads. Thus you get increased organic traffic to your website that is of a higher quality – more likely to make a purchase.

Alternatively, you can provide little action buttons at strategic places on your website that encourages your visitors to share what they’ve found with their friends. A highlighted quote, a funny gif, or a good deal on a product are all things people might want to share with their social circle. Providing that colorful button is a suggestive tactic that might push someone to share when they usually don’t. This word-of-mouth, free promotion is more likely to bring in paying customers than paid ads are wont to do.

Tip #6

Website Maintenance

A defunct storefront is not going to bring in customers. The same goes for websites. If your website is faulty with links leading nowhere and is hard to maneuver, your visitors are going to bounce even if you’ve got good products.

You should conduct regular website maintenance checks. This is where you touch up on website security and reparations. Look for broken links and make sure the internal links are working as they should. Update your outdated content. Any information that is inaccurate should be corrected. Undertake regular content audits. Identify and refresh posts that are not performing as well as they should. Rewrite meta tags and descriptions for posts that do not list as well as others on SERPs for increased CTR. Go back in and tweak keywords that are in trend at the moment to increase keyword density.


Increase Organic Traffic to the Website is important because it is targeted. They have been matched to your website according to their search query. If you can put out high-quality content that provides a solution or answers their query, they are more likely to make a purchase. Even if you cannot convert them right now, you are slowly but steadily building brand awareness. And best of all, it is free!



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